Nov 1, 2023Markscapes ProjectLondonby Mark Schuit London is a city where history and the present intertwine seamlessly. In Westminster, as the sun peers through morning...
Dec 21, 2022Markscapes ProjectThe Sunken Cityby Mark Schuit The Sunken City is a mysterious and colorful place that is said to be located at the bottom of the ocean. It is said to be...
Nov 22, 2022Markscapes ProjectNeon CityMusic/sounddesign by Mark Schuit and Hidde van der Maas; Neon City is a city where all the lights are bright, and the music is loud. ...
Sep 14, 2022Markscapes ProjectLiving In The ForestIn the forest, you can hear the sound of birds singing and a breeze blowing through the leaves. The air is quiet, but it's not empty—it...
Aug 17, 2022Markscapes ProjectGalactic ForestThe Galactic Forest is an ambient experience that takes you on a journey through space and time. It's a mysterious soundscape that...