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Mark Schuit

|  Composer  |  Sound Designer  |  CONTENT CREATOR  |

Mark Schuit
Mark Schuit

Mark Schuit is a young composer &

sound designer, who specializes in composing

applied music and sound,
and creating digital content.

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Mark Schuit
Recent music
Music by Mark Schuit
Music by Mark Schuit

Applied Music & Sound Design

By being able to provide both the music and sound design for animation, video, and film, this gives me the opportunity to integrate the various components of sound into a cohesive whole.

With music and sound design, I support and enhance the message or narrative in a creative way.

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Soundscapes and music that create atmosphere in any space.
Drift away while listening to these unique sound worlds.
Give a different meaning to the place where you are.
A moment of peace amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Each Markscape offers a different atmosphere.

Allow yourself to be transported into an unknown world filled with sounds, music, and ambiances. The sounds you hear influence your experience of the space where you are. This way, you can transform your living room into a Medieval Town or a Space Forest. Play a Markscape when hanging out with friends to create extra atmosphere and dynamics. Or sleep better with soothing sleep sounds. There is a Markscape for every moment!

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Music Videos
Check out the latest music videos on YouTube here.
Mark Schuit - Evolving Machines (Official Music Video)

Mark Schuit - Evolving Machines (Official Music Video)

In a world where technology and nature merge seamlessly, robots have embarked on a unique evolutionary path. Originally designed as tools for humans, these robots have evolved into autonomous beings deeply intertwined with Earth's ecosystems. These new-generation robots, often referred to as bio-robots, are equipped with biodegradable components and systems that mimic photosynthesis. Their 'skin' is comprised of a layer of living cells that convert sunlight into energy, making these beings nearly self-sustaining. Their design allows them to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases and enhancing air quality. In this symbiotic world, bio-robots play a crucial role in reforestation and the restoration of damaged habitats. They plant trees and other vegetation with a precision and consistency that was previously unthinkable. Moreover, they are programmed to protect endangered species by detecting and stopping poachers, and closely monitoring the health and growth of these populations. These robots are no longer just man-made machines; they are considered integral parts of their local ecosystems. They communicate with the natural world using advanced sensors that enable them to respond to environmental changes, such as shifting seasons or approaching natural disasters. Society in this world views bio-robots not as a threat, but as allies in the fight against environmental degradation. Humans work closely with these robots, learning from their innate connection to nature and developing new methods for sustainable living. As these technological organisms continue to evolve, they become more and more a living symbol of hope and harmony between human progress and environmental conservation. They remind us that technology, when properly applied, can not only improve our lives but also help restore and support the natural world around us.
Smoke - Markscapes

Smoke - Markscapes

Markscapes; Music/sounddesign by Mark Schuit; In the distant past, where time and space were abstract concepts and the universe was still in its infancy, existed an intriguing realm of smoke and mist. It was here that life first sparked into existence, a cosmic tale woven into the tapestry of the universe, a hidden plan devised by the forces unknown. This realm was a place of beguiling haze, a mystical dance of elements in which life was conceived. From the ashes of celestial bodies, life emerged, unshackled and wild, exploring the depths of existence. The smoke and mist, seemingly chaotic, was actually the cradle nurturing the burgeoning life. Life began to take shape amidst this cosmic ballet, a silhouette drawn against the smoky canvas of creation. It was a performance of existence, bold and fearless, with every spin and twirl, life began to form, to grow. The story was being written, yet it was untold, an enigma etched into the cosmos itself. With each passing moment, life found its way through the thick smoke, navigating the complexities of existence. It was the dawn of a brand new day, the start of life, a monumental event that would reshape the universe. The smoke was more than a mere spectator. It was a storyteller, recounting the tale of life's inception. Amidst the misty haze, life played its part, leaving a mark on the universe, a testament to its journey from non-existence to existence. Emerging from the shadows, life took flight, breaking free from the darkness. It was a miraculous transition, from a state of oblivion to the brilliance of existence, a testament to the resilience and tenacity of life. Embers danced around in this realm, their shadows swaying in a rhythmic harmony. Guided by the ethereal glow of the embers, life found its path. It was a journey that would continue for eons, constantly evolving, constantly growing. In this realm of grayscale, life was not just a spectator, but a participant. The smoke and mist, the dancing embers, and the swaying shadows were all part of the grand spectacle. It was here that life came to see and understand the mystery of its birth, a riddle wrapped in layers of cosmic smoke and celestial mist. And so, in the realm of smoke and mist, the story of life unfolded. From the ashes, it rose, wild and free, navigating through the smoke, dancing with the embers, and playing its part in the cosmic tale. The birth of life, a mystery that continues to fascinate, began in this realm of gray, a testament to the infinite possibilities of the universe. 00:00 Intro 00:11 Smoke pt. 1 06:50 Intermezzo 08:11 Smoke pt. 2 14:11 Outro ⓒ Music by Mark Schuit ---- Lyrics: Smoke and mist, where life began, A cosmic tale, a hidden plan. In the haze, we came to be, Born from ashes, wild and free. Life took shape, a dance so bold, A story written, yet untold. Through the smoke, we found our way, The start of life, a brand new day. Smoke tells the story of our start, In the misty haze, we play our part. From the shadows, life takes flight, Born from darkness, into light. As embers dance and shadows sway, The smoke shows us the path, we'll stay. In this realm of gray, we come to see, The birth of life, a mystery. ---- Listen to Smoke on SoundCloud: Listen to Smoke on Spotify: Listen to Smoke on Apple Music:
Reflections - Markscapes

Reflections - Markscapes

Markscapes; Music/sounddesign by Mark Schuit; At the water's edge, where the stillness of the lake meets the horizon, lies a canvas of inverted horizons. Above, the night sky shines with stars that are reflected in the water below, creating a breathtakingly beautiful sight. The clarity of the water allows for an almost perfect mirror image, and the motion of the ripples and waves bring a dynamic element to the reflection. As I gaze out at this stunning scene, I can't help but draw parallels to life. Like the stars in the water, our perceptions and understanding of the world around us are often reflections of our own experiences and beliefs. The clarity of our thoughts and emotions can determine the clarity of our reflections, just as the clarity of the water determines the clarity of the starry reflection. But just as the water's surface is constantly in motion, so too is life. Our perspectives and reflections are constantly shifting and evolving as we grow and experience new things. And just as the ripples on the water can distort or enhance the reflection, so too can our perceptions be influenced by external factors. Our reflections are not always an accurate representation of reality, just as the stars in the water may not perfectly align with the actual sky above. But by acknowledging this, we can strive to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and strive to see things with greater clarity and understanding. 00:00 Intro 00:15 pt.1: The Illusion of Inverted Horizons no.1 03:31 pt.2: Mirrored Images 05:36 pt.3: Inner and Outer Worlds 09:34 pt.4: Lessons from the Water's Edge 12:29 Intermezzo 13:15 pt.5: The Night Sky Reflected 15:09 pt.6: Finding Clarity 17:37 pt.7: Reflections in Motion 19:43 pt.8: Contemplations of the Past 21:36 Intermezzo 22:29 pt.9: Perception 25:20 pt.10: The Illusion of Inverted Horizons no.2 28:13 Outro ⓒ Music by Mark Schuit Listen to Reflections on SoundCloud: Listen to Reflections on Spotify: Listen to Reflections on Apple Music:
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